Over 30 years experience in the electronic industry

Contact Supply Solutions

Contact Supply Solutions one of the oldest independent distributers, though out this time we have always strived to supply the type of professional service and response that our customers want and indeed demand to allow us both to compete successfully in an ever rapidly changing industry.


Global sourcing

We are able to supply all types of products on or around the PCB, though to interconnect and switching gear. We have no allegiance to any one manufacture our only concern is to provide the quickest cost effective solution to our customer.

Direct to line supply

Contact Supply Solutions understand that not every customer production or production need are alike, so we survey and offer the best possible solutions to maximize effect yet minimize costs in order to gain a result where everybody wins.


At Solo we believe in working closely with both our customers and suppliers to ensure that the supply chain we forge is strong, without any weak links, so that collectively we can work together and deliver a quality product as and when our customers require it.


As an independent distributer we have used our experience and market knowledge to develop a global sourcing network to meet the ever changing demands and supply technique such as, KAN BAN, JIT, DIRECT TO LINE, CONSIGNEMENT STOCKING, MRP, etc.

Through a strong selection process we have been able to identify suppliers and forge lasting relationships so we can be confident together we can deliver the high level of performance and quality our customers deserve.

We have great pride in the level of service we deliver to our customers we have a professional dedicated work force who not only understand and know the industry, but are able to adapt and offer solutions to meet our customers’ requirements.


Contact Supply Solutions Ltd

Unit 4

Hatfield Regis Grange

Hatfield Broad Oak


CM22 7JZ